2010 Lighthouse Trip Vermont, New York, Canada, Toronto, Lake Ontario. (4 days)
This was a very quick trip around through upper state Vermont and then around Lake Champaign into New York crossing over into Canada north of Watertown, New York then on to Toronto before returning to the United States by way of Buffalo, New York. A simple and low-cost trip. My family was going to be out of town for the weekend so I just took the opportunity to head out for the open road.
The worse thing about this trip was that I accidently hit the format button on my camera when I was trying to delete some bad shots because I didn't bring extra disks with me. I had left them in the car. I had been too lazy to walk back to my car, which resulted in the loss of about 350-400 photos. Ended up going back and reshooting all the Vermont lighthouses and a few in New York, but due to the time of day I wasn't able to reshoot 3 or 4 lighthouses. Lesson learned never delete bad shots so you can take more shots, make sure you always have extra disks and batteries on you at all times. There is nothing worse then have to hike through the woods, climb over rocks or hike down a wrong road and have your disk fill up, even worse have your batteries die.
More and more lighthouses are being brought and being turned into private homes, and many of the owners if not most don't like let, alone allow people on their property to take photos of them. Sometimes the only way to get a half way go picture of such lighthouses is to climb over rocks or even walk in the lake. Lucky many places view the shoreline and water as public property but that doesn't mean there has to be a public access.